Debates of the Senate (Hansard)
2nd Session, 40th Parliament,
Volume 146, Issue 80
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Honourable Noël A. Kinsella, Speaker
The Honourable Lorna Milne
Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, I rise today to join my colleagues in tribute to a devoted and hard-working public servant, a woman of remarkable accomplishment and a good friend, the Honourable Lorna Milne, on her last sitting day in this chamber.
When Lorna Milne took a healthy interest in agricultural studies and the sciences early in her life, she grew to understand the complex elements involved in the ground beneath her. When she was one of only four women to graduate from the Ontario Agricultural College, she grew to understand the challenges women face around the world and carry with them as they walk the ground beneath their feet. When she came to the Senate, she grew to further understand the challenges Canadians face.
All those who have spoken before me have said what I would have liked to say about Lorna. I join them in our tribute to her.
Today I would like to address Senator Milne’s granddaughters, Maddie, Seline and Deniz, and grandson Lachlan. Your grandmother was appointed to the Senate for all she had done in her service to Canadians. She arrived at the Senate and has worked hard to change the lives of Canadians. Your grandmother will continue to serve and change lives of Canadians.
As your grandmother leaves this chamber and will now have more time for you, I ask you to learn as much as you can from her so you can follow in her example to serve and change the lives of Canadians. I say this to you as I have known your grandmother Lorna for a very long time. I have learned from her how to better serve Canada. I have learned from her how to change lives of Canadians. Most of all, I have learned from your grandmother that she is not a fair-weather friend. She is your friend when things are going well for you, and she is your friend when they are not going so well for you. Your grandmother is a great Canadian. I thank you for sharing her with us.
Lorna, for all you have done and will continue to do, I say thank you. I wish you the very best in the next chapter of your life. You will be greatly missed in this chamber by the Leader of the Government in the Senate for the questions you asked of her. You will be greatly missed by all of us. You always reminded us to do the right thing. Most of all, my friend, I will miss you.