2nd Session, 41st Parliament,
Volume 149, Issue 123

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The Honourable Pierre Claude Nolin, Speaker

Public Safety

Canadian Security Intelligence Service—Oversight

Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: My question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate.

Leader, there is no doubt that there is great angst in our community, especially in the Muslim community, with what is happening with Bill C-51 and other government actions. In the United States, when this kind of thing happens, the first thing they do is they reach out to the communities affected. In the United Kingdom, they first reach out to the communities affected. Why are we not doing that?

Senator Mitchell: That’s a tough one.


Senator Carignan: Senator, as you know, Bill C-51 is comprehensive. It includes privacy protection and prevention measures. The House of Commons is studying the bill right now, and we will have a chance to examine it thoroughly in the Senate. You will be able to ask the experts questions on all of the bill’s measures during the Senate committee meetings.

Once our study is complete, I think you will agree that Bill C-51 is crucial to protecting Canadians and keeping them safe.


Senator Jaffer: Leader, thank you for your response, but I’m not speaking specifically about the bill. I’m also speaking generally.

There is no doubt there is one community that really feels that it is less and less becoming part of Canada. I belong to that community and I’m proud to be a Canadian, but when I walk around and people do not see me as a Canadian because of my faith, I am asking what is our government doing to protect my rights?


Senator Carignan: Senator, after the attacks last fall, the Prime Minister specifically thanked the Muslim community for having categorically and unequivocally condemned the attacks.

He recognized the efforts of the Muslim community in the fight against radicalization. He clearly stated that he regards the Muslim community as an integral part of Canada and the Canadian community.


Senator Jaffer: Thank you very much, leader, for your response. My question is what is the government doing in outreach programs for this community?


Senator Carignan: Senator, as you know, it is very important to protect the ties with all communities. As we are doing with the Muslim community, we need to recognize the communities that condemn disgraceful actions and are working with members of the community to prevent radicalization. That is what needs to be done and that is what is being done.