2nd Session, 43rd Parliament
Volume 152, Issue 3

Thursday, October 1, 2020
The Honourable George J. Furey, Speaker

Citizenship, Immigration and Refugees

Sponsorship Applications

Hon. Marilou McPhedran: This question is to the Government Representative in the Senate and it is on behalf of Senator Mobina Jaffer.

As we are all aware, COVID has had an immense impact on every Canadian as well as all people who inhabit our world. Thankfully, one system of support many of us have been able to rely upon are spouses, partners and family, but they’re experiencing similar pain and difficulties.

Unfortunately, there are some Canadians who do not have access to these critical supports, as they are forced to be apart from their loved ones. This is because they are waiting for our Canadian government to process their sponsorship applications so they can once again be reunited.

Senator Gold, what is currently being done to recognize the needs of these Canadians and to ensure the immediate processing of their sponsorship applications?

The Hon. the Speaker: I’m sorry, Senator Gold, but the time for Question Period has expired. May I suggest that you respond by way of delayed answer.