2nd Session, 41st Parliament,
Volume 149, Issue 56

Tuesday, May 6, 2014
The Honourable Noël A. Kinsella, Speaker

The Senate

Mr. Mark Audcent—Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel—Tribute on Retirement

Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, I too rise today to honour the tremendous contribution of our retiring Senate Law Clerk, Mark Audcent.

Mr. Audcent’s career in the Senate began 32 years ago as an assistant law clerk and parliamentary counsel. Since that time, he has continually refined his skills to become one of the most valued individuals in the legal section and in the Senate of Canada.

Mr. Audcent is responsible for providing legal services to the Senate and to senators. His office gives constitutional and legal advice to the Senate and to individual senators to assist them in carrying out their parliamentary functions.

The most significant function of counsel in the legislative process is that of drafting bills and amendments for use in the Senate. The office also provides corporate legal services to the Senate administration.

It is not an understatement to say that without Mr. Audcent’s contribution, none of us would be able to do the work that we were appointed here to do. His mastery of legal issues, as well as his sound advice and accuracy, has been the bedrock of all the bills that I have introduced in the Senate.

Mark, on a personal level, I want to thank you for the past 13 years during which you have given me sage advice and worked with me on different legal issues and bills I have wanted to introduce in the Senate. Your commitment, loyalty and dedication to the Senate and senators was exceptional. What is also exceptional is that you are leaving a great team under the leadership of Michel Patrice: Michel Bédard, Marie-France Bonnet, Shaun Bugyra, Melanie Mortensen, Suzie Seo and Isabelle Tétreault. You are leaving us in capable hands.

Mark, the knowledgeable and competent team that you have left behind is your legacy to this place. We will miss you, and I thank you for all of your service to senators and to the Senate of Canada. I know that all senators will join me in wishing you a wonderful retirement and great success in your future endeavours.

Hon. Senators: Hear, hear!