International Justice Mission and I are working closely on the campaign #NotOnMyScreen, an initiative to raise awareness on cybersex trafficking. You may ask yourself, “what is child cybersex trafficking?”
Cybersex trafficking is a type of sex trafficking where minors and children from all over the world are exposed to countless predators. Underage boys and girls are forced against their will to perform sexual activities in front of a webcam, making those videos available to the world to see. Children, some even as young as toddlers, are victims of the cybersex industry: where small children bring in big profits.
This is simply unacceptable.
Let me share Dianna’s story, an 11 year old girl from the Philippines. She said her parents forced her to perform sexual acts in front of a camera, night after night. Soon enough, her two younger sisters were forced to participate in those sexual activities as well. Dianna said there was no place for her and her sisters to hide. In 2013, the three girls were rescued by the International Justice Mission, and began their journey to healing and restoration.
Many children around the world aren’t so lucky, and they are still caught in the child cybersex world.
Since January 2017, 57 children were rescued from various countries, including 9 children rescued just last week in Mumbai. The International Justice Mission has done great work, but more children victims of the cybersex industry need our help.
I have provided all Parliamentarians and Senators a #NotOnMyScreen package, which includes a formal letter explaining the campaign and stickers. All MLAs and MPPs across Canada will also receive a #NotOnMyScreen package before the end of the month.
Every minute we wait, another young child is forced to perform sexual activities in front of a webcam.
Join me in the fight to end global child cybersex trafficking by ordering #NotOnMyScreen stickers, displaying them on your mobile devices, and spreading the word!