Easter, A Time For Hope
This Easter comes at a time when many families are apart and celebrations are taking a different form as we stay at home to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. But these are also times to reflect on the true meaning of Easter, which is hope and the renewal of life.
As we tread on these new grounds and face uncertainty and, at times, loneliness, beautiful Easter comes to remind us that after darkness there is light, and after hardship comes new beginnings.
By taking a reflective look, we see that hope is all around us, we see all of humanity standing united to protect itself and help one another. We see gestures of kindness and togetherness even when physically apart. People are helping their neighbours, singing together from balconies, and supporting each other with love.
Hope brings perspective. It can sustain us during hard times and acts as a guiding light to carry us through tough days. On Easter, we are reminded to hold on to hope, to understand that we are part of a greater narrative that includes global as well as personal experiences.
May this season bring you new hope, new friendships, and new perspectives.
May you and your family celebrate the true meaning of Easter, from the reflection on Good Friday to hope on Easter Sunday.