Debates of the Senate (Hansard)
2nd Session, 37th Parliament,
Volume 140, Issue 17
Thursday, November 7, 2002
The Honourable Dan Hays, Speaker
United Nations Security Council
Second Anniversary of Resolution on Women, Peace and Security
Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, this is the second anniversary of resolution 1325. Today, on this Remembrance Day, the Canadian Committee on Women, Peace and Security celebrated the second anniversary of resolution 1325 on Parliament Hill. A week ago, the second anniversary of the unanimous adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security was celebrated. This is the first Security Council resolution to deal exclusively with women in situations of armed conflict. It establishes a comprehensive agenda on women, peace and security by addressing issues such as the need for full and equal participation of women in peace processes and peace-building activities.
Canada has taken a leadership role in the implementation of resolution 1325. With support from the Human Security Program at DFAIT, parliamentarians, government officials and a broad cross-section of civil society has come together to establish the Canadian Committee on Women, Peace and Security.
Honourable senators, I should like to take a moment to recognize the contribution of the Honourable Lois Wilson. She had the foresight to create the framework for the Canadian Committee on Women, Peace and Security. Under her guardianship, the committee was able to address a number of issues that are important to women affected by armed conflict.
Three subcommittees were created to expedite the work. The Capacity Building Subcommittee was co-chaired by Carolyn Bennett, MP, and Christine Vincent. The subcommittee generated a discussion paper on impediments to the participation of women in peace support operations and is currently developing a roster of senior level women with expertise to serve in such operations.
The Gender Training Subcommittee was co-chaired by Sue Barnes, MP, and Beth Woroniuk. In early March, the subcommittee successfully piloted a Canadian version of the Canada-United Kingdom developed gender and peace-building course for a mixed military, NGO and government audience.
Finally, the Advocacy Subcommittee was co-chaired by Kathy Vandergrift and myself. Over the past six months, the subcommittee held seven round tables across the country with Afghan-Canadian women. A report entitled “A Stone in the Water”. has been produced and was presented last week to Minister Graham.
Honourable senators, the Canadian Committee on Women, Peace and Security will continue to work in the upcoming year to contribute to the critical task of building sustainable peace for all.