Debates of the Senate (Hansard)
1st Session, 38th Parliament,
Volume 142, Issue 10
Thursday, October 28, 2004
The Honourable Daniel Hays, Speaker
Anti-Semitic Statements by Canadian Muslim Leaders
Hon. Maria Chaput: Second, honourable senators, Senator Jaffer asks us to 28join her in condemning the anti-Semitic remarks that have recently been made by select Canadian Muslim leaders. These kinds of statements have no place in the Canadian discourse and must be condemned not only for their hatefulness and promotion of violence toward our fellow man but also for the deep damage they do to the relationship between different Canadian communities.
Our words, and especially the words of those who take the lead in different communities, should be the thread that binds us together with ties of understanding, tolerance and peace. We must never allow our words to become the knife that severs these very ties.
We are approaching the season of remembrance for the deeds of our forebears, who suffered and died to preserve the dream of Canada as the greatest nation in the world. It is truly a nation where all people can find a place and be proud to call home.
We must remember that when we allow our words to cut the ties between us, we do a disservice to those memories. The Canada that they fought and died for is not a Canada that promotes violence and hatred against anyone. These men and women shed their blood to protect our values and way of life. We must ask no less of ourselves.