Debates of the Senate (Hansard)

1st Session, 38th Parliament,
Volume 142, Issue 75

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The Honourable Daniel Hays, Speaker


The Honourable Isobel Finnerty

Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, shortly after Senator Finnerty was appointed to this chamber in 1999, she came to Vancouver for a conference. When I heard she would be in town, I made absolutely sure that she came out to dinner with me and my husband.

I was hoping at that time that if I showed her around the city, I would be able to thank her for all she had taught me over the years. I took her on a tour of Queen Elizabeth Park and then down to India town, where we were able to try on a few different saris.

Her appointment was such a great thrill that I was concerned that she would get so caught up in her duties as a senator that she would never again find the time to visit me in Vancouver. I remember making her promise to put aside a little bit of time to visit with me again.

Honourable senators, my wish came true two years later when I had the honour of being summoned to this place myself.

Like many others, I have had the opportunity to work with Senator Finnerty on a number of campaigns over her breathtaking career. She has worked selflessly to help others realize their dreams and goals. She can look at many people in this chamber, in the other place and at those who sit in legislatures and assemblies all over the country and identify them as people she has helped to realize their dreams and potential.

Her efforts to improve our political system to be inclusive and to allow so many others to make their mark have been exemplary. She is one of the best campaigners and organizers this country has ever seen.

Isobel Finnerty is a trailblazer for Canadian women becoming involved in political activism. She is a consensus builder and a promoter of greatness. She is a compassionate and caring person who has become like a sister, mentor and role model for me and others. It would be impossible to appreciate just how many lives she has touched or how deeply she has touched them.

It is with great pleasure, mixed with some sadness, that I pay tribute to my friend, because I know that it means we will be missing her in this chamber.

I invite her once again to call me, be it for dinner or a chat or sari shopping, because I will be just as thrilled to see her or hear from her as I have always been.

I know honourable senators will agree with me when I say that we will miss her very much.