Evelyn Apoko 2011
Evelyn Apoko 

Evelyn is one of most remarkable young women I have ever met. She is always smiling and laughing. After listening to her you would be mistaken into believing that she is just like any average twenty year old. When you see her is when you know Evelyn has been subject to a lot of pain and hardship.

At the age of nine, Evelyn was abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda. Here she was the victim physical and emotional torment. She was also denied very basic necessities such as food and water.

A year after walking great distances with the rebel forces of the Lord’s Resistance Army she was caught in an air raid. A bomb exploded near her and blew away part of her face. For a long time she did not receive any medical attention.

Fortunately, Evelyn found the courage to escape and finally received the medical attention she so desperately needed. After almost ten years, with the help of many American surgeons, Evelyn’s face has been reconstructed. She now has no scars and looks like any other beautiful twenty year old.

When I spoke to Evelyn this past weekend she told me she was excited to return to Uganda and help other children who are suffering. I am truly humbled by her selflessness and am very fortunate to have a friend like Evelyn who personifies strength, courage and heroism.