Last Thursday was a sad day for Canadians. It was on this day that, by a vote of 48 to 37, the Omnibus Crime Bill was passed through the Senate. All Liberal Senators present, with the support of Conservative Senator Nolin, fought hard and voted against this bill but unfortunately we were out numbered.

As the Conservative members brought forward a motion which would limit the time Bill C-10 was debated to a maximum of six hours, I was given the opportunity to deliver two speeches, both of which I have attached to this e-mail.

The first speech I delivered focused on why it was problematic to place time limitations on the debate of such an important and complex piece of legislation.

The second speech which I delivered was at the Third Reading of Bill C-10 where I focused on mandatory minimum sentences and how they would adversely affect vulnerable populations such as Aboriginal peoples, our youth and those who suffer from mental illnesses.

Bill C-10 is now back in the House of Commons where the amendments introduced in the Senate will be reviewed and voted upon. Sadly, it is quite apparent that this bill will very soon become law.

I am now working on Bill C-19, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the Fire Arms Act. This bill aims to abolish the long gun registry.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you over the past few weeks. I have benefited greatly from all of your contributions and I would welcome the opportunity to continue working with you. I would be happy to keep you informed about the work of the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. However, if you would like to be removed from this mailing list please contact my assistant Nadia Charania whose contact information is listed below.

Thank you once again for your continued support.

PDF Links

March-1-2012, Bill C-10 3rd Reading

March-1-2012, Bill C-10 Closing Debate

Kind regards,


Nadia Charania

Administrative Assistant
Office of Senator Mobina Jaffer

Tel. 613-992-0189
Toll free 1-800-267-7362
Fax. 613-992-0673