On March 21st of every year Ismaili Muslims around the world celebrate Navroz.

Navroz, which is commonly referred to as the Persian New Year, is a festival that many Muslim communities and cultures observe, particularly those belonging to the Shia branch of Islam. More specifically, Navroz represents a time of spiritual renewal as well as physical rejuvenation. In addition, Navroz signifies the spirit of gratitude, hope, and optimism for the future.

Since I was a young girl I have always considered myself lucky to be Ismaili because it meant that I got to celebrate New Year’s twice. Even today I consider myself fortunate to have the opportunity to make a list of New Year’s resolutions on the first of January and then revisit them in March. Here is to hoping that I have better luck staying true to my resolutions the second time around.

Navroz Mubarak to you and to your families!