Earlier this afternoon, the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry, led by former BC Attorney General Wally Oppal, released its report, Forsaken.
The report includes four volumes:
I. The Women, their Lives and the Framework of Inquiry: Setting the Context for Understanding and Change
II. Nobodies: How and Why We Failed the Missing and Murdered Women
III. Gone, but Not Forgotten: Building the Women’s Legacy of Safety Together
IV. The Commission’s Process
The 1,448-page report also includes a 180-page executive summary.
The Commission of Inquiry has produced a lengthy report that merits thorough consideration and attention.
In the coming days, the media will provide immediate reaction to the report that will prompt an important and long-overdue conversation on missing women.
When the Senate resumes sitting in the New Year, I will speak on this report, and share more detailed reflections on its findings and recommendations.